We went to
Franz Bakery. Over by, not far from the Lloyd Center. We went up and down on big elevator. When we went upstairs they had oily floors. We learned how dough was made and how the bread went into the oven, we saw them on the conveyor belt on the ceiling. And another thing we had to wear, we had to wear head nets, beard nets. I took my watch off and everything.
The tour guide was real nice. After we had a whole tour they gave us a bag of stuff to bring back. I got bread and cookies. I ate the bread for lunch. It was really good. Cookie, a chocolate chip and raising cookie. Also, after we were done there we took our head nets off. We came back just in time for lunch! - Zach M.
I went to school, junior high and I got hang of it, reading and everything. And I now want a chance on contract and stuff, so I can get a hang of it. I was told, I don't see why not.
But about today, I thought it was neat. I liked everything about the tour! I know how to bake now! Becky was terrific. She is nice and so were the guys. They said, yes ma'm and no ma'm, I like that. I like that I could do things. Franz is a great bakery everyone should buy bread and rolls from!- Patsy B.
We, at Project Grow, are very thankful for the gracious, exciting, and inspiring tour we received from Becky at Franz Bakery! What a great, sustainably minded company. Thank you so much to everyone we met at Franz.