Thursday, December 17, 2009

What’s a Cartoon tell another Cartoon? (there ain’t no more feathers to fly)

Jokes and Riddles by Patsy:

-What’s a typewriter say to another typewriter? You ain’t got no words.
-What’s a feather say to another feather? You ain’t got no oats.
-What’s a bag say to another bag? There ain’t no more room for a bag.
-What’s a computer say to another ‘puter? Ain’t no more room for another one!
-What Tasha think to another female? There ain’t no more females!
-What’s a cop say to another cop? You ain’t got no more policemens.
-What’s pencil say to another pencil? Ain’t no more pencils.
-Daniel doesn’t have…say there’s two Daniels, what’s Daniel thinking to another Daniel? There ain’t no more guys to look like.
-What’s a painter say to another painter? There, there’s a ghost.
-What’s a snake say to another snake? Ain’t no mores.
-What’s a wise man say to another wise man? There ain’t no more females. That’s all I got.
-What’s a telephone meant to another phone? There ain’t got no more females.
-What’s a vegetable say to another vegetable? You ain’t got no vegetables. Vegetables and two, oh what is it, vegetables, what do they say to the carrots, you ain’t got no vegetables. You don’t know? You aint got no choppers!
-What did the male doctor say to the female doctor? You ain’t got no brains.
-What’s a shoe tell another shoe? There ain’t no more socks.
-What’d the woman think that the man don’t think of? There ain’t no more men.
-What’d the woman say to the other female? We ain’t got no females.
-What did the man say to the other man? You ain’t got no smarts.
-What did the woman say to the other woman? You ain’t got no other smarts.
-What did one guy tell another guy, a joke, what did he say? He ain’t got no hands!
-Ohhh can you tell the difference between a glass and a cup? They ain’t got no cups.
-Um, the guy told the other guy something, how he telled the difference? They ain’t no vegetable ghost.
-What do the police officers tell another police officer? They ain’t got no females!
-What’d you say to the donkey that never asked any questions? You ain’t got no females.
-What’d the females tell another female? What’s the question? How do you tell a female from a male? You ain’t got no brains.
-How you tell a female to a male? There ain’t no more females.
-What did a car say to another car? There ain’t got no car.
-What’s a car without no car? There ain’t got no car. I’ve got a lot of them.
-What’s Santa Claus tell misses Santa? There ain’t no more chicken.
-What’d the sign tell another sign? You ain’t got no smarts.
-What’s the horse tell another horse? You ain’t got no more horses!
-What’s a dog gotta tell another dog? You ain’t got no more dogs?
-What’s a horse tell another horse? They ain’t got no…tails.
-What’d a donkey tell a joke? That there ain’t no more jokes. You ain’t got no more jokes. None.
-What did a donkey says to another donkey? There ain’t no more donkeys.
-How many more peoples gonna be laid off? None.
-Oh! What’d the window says to another window? You ain’t got no more windows!
-What's a chalkboard says to another chalkboard? There ain’t no more chalkboards.
-What did the rifle say he ain’t got no more people? What did the rifle say? That they ain’t got no bullets.
-What the flower say to another flower? No rose bugs.
-What’d the car say to another car? No there ain’t no cars here.
-What to a desk says another desk? You ain’t got no room.
-Whats a pipe says to another pipe. Ain’t no more pipes.
-Whats a woman tell another woman? There ain’t enough men to go around.
-What’s a man tell another man? There ain’t enough women.
-What’s a man think about another woman? Ain’t enough chickens around.
-What a man say to a woman? There ain’t no more women. My dad told me that. He was a police officer. He belonged to a police department. So is my mom. And my brother.

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