Taj Majal is a palace in India.
I want to go to India and ride an elephant.
Me and Charlie and Dasha make Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in India. Disney Land and Walt Disney World. (Will you send this to Scott?) I won't eat snakes or leeches. Ewwwww. [laughs] Like me and Charlie are taken hostage. By the bad guys. Dasha in a cage. In a lava.
I want to write something.
"nononono Wake up Dr Jones! Wake up Charlie you are my best friend!
no she says I am all right sisters miss pink fairy.
Charlie let's get out of here.
Me, Dasha walk on the bridge.
Dasha says, oh my god, is he nuts.
He's not nuts he's crazy!"
Chanel Conklin
With a prop for her next movie, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Watch for its release soon!
(Also pictured, Tina Cousin and Charlie Foster)
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